New mandatory CT scanning regulations for West Australian workers
New mandatory CT scanning regulations for West Australian workers

Western Australian workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica must now be screened for lung disease using a low-dose, high resolution computed tomography (HRCT).
Recently the Western Australian Government made an important change to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (1996). From April 15, 2021, workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica must be screened for lung disease using a low-dose, high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). West Australian workers in industries such as engineered stone product manufacturing and installation, stonemasonry, construction and mining who are referred by their employers for a chest scan must go straight to low dose HRCT.
I-MED Radiology leads the way in the screening for silicosis, with our national coverage and our team of chest radiologist B Readers giving Australian workers everywhere the best possible medical imaging and detection. This new state government regulation does not change our commitment to excellence in screening for silicosis. All HRCT scans for occupational lung screening are reported by experienced subspecialty chest radiologists with recognised expertise in this field, who are also accredited B Readers.
Clinical notes:
Note: patients who have been exposed to silica dust may or may not present with respiratory symptoms.

We have developed an Imaging Request form specifically for silicosis screening to assist our referring practitioners. Otherwise, please remember to refer for a “WA silica HRCT” as well as providing relevant patient history.