Ultrasound-Guided Joint Injections: Tips and Tricks
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Defining Reference Values for the Normal Adult Lisfranc Joint Using Weightbearing Computed Tomography
Chatura Gihan Wijetunga, Justin Roebert, Richard John Hiscock, Harvinder S. Bedi, Sasha Roshan-Zamir, Otis Wang, Andrew Fraval, Julie Tate, Maggie Eden, Andrew H. Rotstein.
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Does the use of i-FACTOR bone graft affect bone healing in those undergoing periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)? A retrospective study
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Self-reported Concussion History and Sensorimotor Tests Predict Head/Neck Injuries.
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The Twist X-Ray: A Novel Test for Dynamic Scapholunate Instability.
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Correlating clinical assessment and MRI findings in diagnosing calf injuries in elite male Australian rules footballers.
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Do magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities of the non-dominant wrist correlate with ulnar-sided wrist pain in elite tennis players?
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Lumbar spine abnormalities and facet joint angles in asymptomatic elite junior tennis players
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Interobserver and intraobserver variability of glenoid track measurements.
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Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major Tendon Avulsions in Cricketers: A Case Series and Literature Review
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Imaging of the knee: Common acute presentations to general practice.
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MRI Bone Marrow Oedema Signal Intensity: A Reliable and Valid Measure of Lumbar Bone Stress Injury in Elite Junior Fast Bowlers.
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Gluteus medius activation during running is a risk factor for season hamstring injuries in elite footballers.
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MRI bone marrow oedema precedes lumbar bone stress injury diagnosis in junior elite cricket fast bowlers.
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Comparison of corticosteroid, autologous blood or sclerosant injections for chronic tennis elbow
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MRI assessment of calf injuries in Australian Football League players: findings that influence return to play.
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Radiological healing of lumbar spine stress fractures in elite cricket fast bowlers
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Dynamic assessment of sternoclavicular joint instability using four-dimensional computed tomography.
Yin Peng Goh, Ash Kamali Moaveni, Gregory Hoy, Julie Tate and Andrew Rotstein
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MRI of stress reaction of the distal humerus in elite tennis players.
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Characterization of the proximal long head of biceps tendon anatomy using magnetic resonance imaging
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Use of the one-legged hyperextension test and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of active spondylolysis.
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Longitudinal study comparing sonographic and MRI assessments of acute and healing hamstring injuries.
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MRI findings of femoroacetabular impingement.
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Diagnostic accuracy of 3-T magnetic resonanceimaging with 3D T1 VIBE versus computer tomography in pars stress fracture of the lumbar spine.
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Protocol for CT in the position of discomfort: preoperative assessment of femoroacetabular impingement - how we do it and what the surgeon wants to know.
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MR imaging findings of acetabular dysplasia in adults.
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