A/Prof Karin Steinke

About A/Prof Karin Steinke
A/Prof Karin Steinke completed her medical training in Freiburg, Germany and radiology training in Basel, Switzerland, gaining radiology Fellowship in both countries. A/Prof Steinke came to Australia and completed a Master of Surgery in Sydney in 2003, researching thermal ablation of lung tumours. She has a Ph.D. equivalent degree (PD) awarded in Switzerland in 2004. A/Prof Steinke joined the Department of Medical Imaging at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) in 2006, her sub-specialties being lung and breast diagnostics and intervention as well as oncologic imaging and trial reporting. She became a Fellow of the RANZCR in 2010. In 2016 Karin has joined I-MED Radiology part time, contributing with her subspecialty expertise. She acquired her NIOSH B Reader qualification early 2020, joining the team of the more senior qualified B-Readers at I-MED.Since coming to Australia, Karin has been engaged in teaching, lecturing and research, leading to her nomination as Associate Professor at the UQ School of Medicine. A/Prof Steinke’s research has led to more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals and more than 150 presentations and invited talks nationally and internationally.
Radiological Skills & Interests
- Lung and breast diagnostics and intervention
- Oncologic imaging
- NIOSH B Reader qualification