Dr Myron Hnatojko

About Dr Myron Hnatojko
Dr Myron Hnatojko joined the IMED Radiology Network in May 2018. Most recently he was appointed by his peers as Clinic Director of I-MED Radiology Croydon. Myron completed his medical degree at The University of Melbourne in 1979, and his radiology training at The Austin in 1986. On becoming a Fellow of RANZCR, Myron promptly became Partner of Radclin Medical Imaging in 1987. Myron has worked in many clinical settings from tertiary to primary care radiology practices, including deputy director at John Fawkner Private Hospital, director at Ringwood Private Hospital and director at St John of God Private Hospital in Berwick, as well as director in the private clinics at Lilydale and Boronia now known as I-MED Lilydale and I-MED Boronia.Myron brings a strong philosophy for optimized patient care and outcomes. His vision is to provide a high quality comprehensive service to all referring practitioners. Improve the process by ease of communication and timely reporting. Myron is available to answer any queries or to discuss and give advice with patient management when required.Myron has enjoyed having the opportunity to meet with many of his local referrers since commencing in this role and he would be grateful for you to extend the invite to meet with you at your practice if you have not yet had the chance. He looks forward to working with you.