BSc, MBBS (UQ), MPhil (Cantab), MSpMed, FRANZCR, EBIR, MPH (Harvard)
A/Prof Nick Brown

About A/Prof Nick Brown
A/Prof Brown specialises in Interventional Radiology, with particular interests in interventional oncology, thoracic interventions, sports medicine, uroradiology and health economics. After graduating from the University of Queensland Medical School, Dr Brown undertook radiology training at The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. He completed a fellowship in Interventional Radiology at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, with a sub-specialist interest in interventional oncology. He also attained post-graduate qualifications in Sports Medicine from the University of Queensland, Bioscience Enterprise from the University of Cambridge, and Public Health from Harvard University, which compliments his work in radiology. He holds certification from the European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR).
A/Prof Brown is Clinical Director of I-MED Radiology at The Wesley Hospital, and a Senior Staff Specialist in Radiology at The Prince Charles Hospital. He has a number of active research interests in uroradiology, oncology, sports medicine and nuclear medicine, and has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed literature. Dr Brown has also completed honorary research fellowships at Kings College London and The Australian Venom Research Unit and is currently Associate Professor at the University of Queensland School of Medicine.
Radiological Skills & Interests
- Vascular and Interventional Radiology
- Interventional Oncology
- Prostate Artery Embolisation