Dr Richard Archer

About Dr Richard Archer
Dr Richard Archer is a diagnostic radiologist with over 30 years of MRI experience and significant experience in MSK MRI, Emergency and Cross-Sectional Radiology.
Born in Twickenham, England, Dr Archer graduated from Medical School at the prestigious Liverpool University in 1981 and went on to receive his radiology training at Leicester and St Thomas Hospital in London. Passing the MRCP (UK) in 1987, FRCR in 1990 and FRANZCR in 2009, Dr Archer brings to the I-MED network an extensive, international career spanning several decades. He has practiced in London and throughout Northern Tasmania both in Private Practice and Public Hospitals in Launceston, Devonport and Burnie. Between 1984-1986 he worked as a SHO at the Armed Forces Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
More recently, Dr Archer was integral to the launch of I-MED Radiology’s Emergency and out-of- hours TeleRadiology unit, I-Telerad, setting up the unit’s London node in 2007. Professionally, Dr Archer’s interests are based in MRI, MSK MRI, Emergency Radiology, Cross-sectional Radiology and International TeleRadiology.
Radiological Skills & Interests
- Emergency radiology
- International teleradiology