4 March 2022
International Women's Day 2022: a spotlight on Lisa Chaille
4 March 2022
International Women's Day 2022: a spotlight on Lisa Chaille

This International Women’s Day we are exploring the role gender can play in healthcare, by recognising the theme, Breaking the Bias, and considering how it appears in today’s workforce.
Lisa Chaille is a Regional Manager across the Brisbane South/West area. She started at I-MED in 2015 as a radiographer and worked in a number of roles and locations across Brisbane before progressing into this role in July 2021. She believes this step in her career enabled her pursuit to “drive positive change”, allowing her to lead and advocate for her team to achieve shared goals.
“I believe that when people feel seen and heard they become empowered to do this with others and form much deeper connections - I'm sure our patients can sense this too!”
While gender bias and inequality can vary from one industry to another, she feels that in healthcare, “gender bias is not as prevalent”, at least not now. However, her advice to young women is, “don’t be afraid to harness your power and achieve your potential”. She credits her own practice of this by adopting the mindset "if they can do it, why can't I?".
I-MED has a legacy of passionate and ambitious female leaders who have inspired and created confidence in today's generation.
“I am respected as a female professional in 2022 and I have these opportunities because the female leaders that came before me paved the way, and achieved their success at a point in time when it was much more difficult to do so.”
Lisa believes I-MED is “truly an equal opportunity workplace”, and that it is the collective effort, of both males and females, that have created the positive culture that exists today.
“We all have a part to play in equality”.