2 March 2022
International Women's Day 2022: a spotlight on Dr Melinda Morris
2 March 2022
International Women's Day 2022: a spotlight on Dr Melinda Morris

We asked I-MED's Dr Melinda Morris for her perspective on this year's International Women’s Day theme, Break The Bias. She does this by reflecting on her role as a female medical professional.
Throughout her career she has both witnessed and felt gender bias. But at the same time, has seen positive steps forward, as society works together to acknowledge and shatter the stereotypes that perpetuate this inequality.
Starting a family while spending many years training to become a radiologist had its challenges. Her response to this was simply:
“There will always be someone giving you a reason not to do something. You have to navigate your own path, find something that interests you and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it”.
And that she did. A now mother of three and full-time radiologist.
Working at I-MED, Melinda feels fortunate to belong in a supportive working environment, that places value in upskilling and growth. This has enabled her to access tools and opportunities that provide further education.
“The rewards are there if you work hard for them,” she says.
Interacting with patients and staff is her favourite part. Being able to work in collaboration with her team to deliver the best outcome for her patients, this can range from relieving sciatica or providing the diagnosis that will expediate a patient’s care.
The most memorable career moment occurred during her time as a junior doctor. A patient she had recently treated showed their gratitude for her care and service in the most touching way; travelling down from the country to hand deliver mangoes that he had grown on his farm. To this day, she has kept every thank-you card given to her by a patient. These small acts leave a lasting impression and make her proud to impact on the lives of others in this way.
Dr Melinda Morris is a radiology consultant from I-MED in Perth, with a subspecialty in paediatric imaging and special interests in cardiac and neuroradiology.