I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook

When you need answers, depend on I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook, conveniently located within the Broadway Medical Centre complex. Part of Australia's leading radiology network, we offer a comprehensive range of services including x-ray, mammography, ultrasound, ultra-low-dose CT scans, and interventional radiology procedures. General x-rays require no appointments, free parking is available.

I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook

When you need answers, depend on I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook, conveniently located within the Broadway Medical Centre complex. Part of Australia's leading radiology network, we offer a comprehensive range of services including x-ray, mammography, ultrasound, ultra-low-dose CT scans, and interventional radiology procedures. General x-rays require no appointments, free parking is available.

I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook

Unit 5/150 Coolamon Boulevard, Ellenbrook, 6069
08 6296 4114

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm (walk-in for x-ray 9am-4.30pm)

people_outlineMeet the team

Image of Dr Rushani Samarakoon

Dr Rushani Samarakoon


Dr Mark Holland

Dr Mark Holland



On-site parking available. 

trainPublic transport

Bus Route 334

imageNeed an X-ray?

Need an X-ray?
We bulk bill x-ray at I-MED radiology

Services available

I-MED Radiology Ellenbrook

Unit 5/150 Coolamon Boulevard, Ellenbrook, 6069
08 6296 4114

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm (walk-in for x-ray 9am-4.30pm)

Services available