Shoulder pain
With its wide range of motion, the shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body – and also the most unstable. Treatment starts with investigating and identifying the exact cause of the condition or injury causing the pain.
Shoulder pain
With its wide range of motion, the shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body – and also the most unstable. Treatment starts with investigating and identifying the exact cause of the condition or injury causing the pain.

downloadInvestigating shoulder injuries
Dr Tim Dunshea MBBS, FRANZCR
Radiologist, I-MED Radiology
Ultrasound and MRI can be complementary tests when imaging superficial shoulder structures such as the rotator cuff, subdeltoid bursa and biceps tendon. Rotator cuff tears commonly involve the supraspinatus tendon, and are seen on MRI as a fluid-filled defect within a normally black tendon. Subdeltoid bursitis is seen as fluid interposed between the deltoid and the rotator cuff. Read more.
download‘Patient history – shoulder’ worksheet
Collecting patient’s history of their shoulder injury can be time consuming. This easy work sheet helps ensure you collect all their information. Download here.
downloadThe frozen shoulder
Dr Frank Burke MBBS, FRANZCR
Radiologist, I-MED Radiology Victoria House
In 1989 at I-MED Radiology Victoria House, my colleague Mr Rodney Dalziel and I developed hydrodilatation as a treatment for adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Since then, we have treated more than 100,000 people for this enigmatic condition. Read more here.
Appropriate investigations for shoulder complaints 2020 webinar
Lachlan, a 17 year old student, injured his shoulder in a skiing accident on the weekend. Possible causes of the pain include fracture, dislocation, ligament/capsule strain, AC joint injury and rotator cuff tear. READ MORE
Peter, a 37 year old gardener, also swims, golfs and goes to the gym. He presents with a 12 month history of deep aching pain and feeling of instability, especially when lifting weights, without a history of specific trauma. READ MORE.
Lucy is a 62 year old active female who has competed in triathlon and is a gardener. She also enjoys yoga and lifting weights. She originally injured her shoulder last year, and for months thought she had “pulled” a muscle and tried rest. READ MORE.